Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Quilted Symphony foundation piecing. . .

The last segments needed to pull our project together are pieced.  Due to the unusual sewing lines, these segments are foundation pieced. 
Begin by tracing segments 3 and 6 from the project sheet onto tear-away stabilizer.  Label the segments including the top end of the segments.  Cut out 1/2" away from drawn edge.  Turn over and trace outline to the backside.  Label as back.  This is the side your fabric will be sewn to.
Retrace segments onto freezer paper labeling wedges from top A, B, C, etc. 
Cut apart Wedge A, press to frontside of fabric adding 1/2" seam allowance.
I precut all of my wedges to I could determine my fabric choices. Notice that the fabric wedges are reversed from the stabilizer they will be sewn to.
Fold tear-away stabilizer at A/B seam line.  Line up Wedge A with section A on stabilizer; pin in place.  Using ruler, trim fabric to 1/4" seam allowance.  If you have, use an add-a-quarter ruler.
Cut out Wedge B from freezer paper and press to corresponding fabric.  Match up Wedge B edge to cut Wedge A edge, right sides together.  Sew to drawn line on backside of tear-away stabilizer, beginning and ending a few stitches outside the line.
Turn over and press seam toward Wedge B, covering the next section on stabilizer.  Continue for all wedges until segment complete.  From the backside, stitch 1/8" outside of drawn line.  Trim to 1/4" outside of drawn line.
The segments can now be laid together.  Now I just have to stitch them together.  Keep watching.

1 comment:

Mary said...

I just stumbled onto your blog. You are doing some really fun things. I have had some ideas like yours but you acted on them, way to go. I think I must hit the follow button so I can see what you are up to.