Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Construction of Shapes II Art Quilt begins. . .

Shapes I is complete.  Wow, does that ever feel good!  However, the quilt top took more time to complete that I had expected which made for a poor teaching pattern.  Therefore, I have taken the elements of Shapes I and created Shapes II.  Let's see how well this works for teaching.
 Beginning with the drawing, I selected my fabrics,
and drew the pattern full scale with a marker and labeled with fabric colors.  The finished size is approximately 12" square.
 A layer of Swedish tracing paper was placed over the original pattern, traced, and marked determining seams to be turned under versus those that are not.  This will  be used for the quilt top base.
And traced one more time onto shirt-tailor interfacing.  Cut apart these shapes to use as templates.
 It is now time to turn the original pattern over and trace it in reverse, once again with a marker.  The appropriate reversed shapes can now be traced onto fusible web.
 Press the fusible web tracings onto the appropriate fabric and
cut out.
 Fuse the shirt-tailor interfacing templates to their appropriate fabric choices (with the exception of the flying geese variation template; we will deal with that later).
Stay-stitch approximately 1/8" from edge of templates.
Cut shape out leaving approximately 1/2" seam allowance all around.

Prep is done and we are ready to sew.

Until next time,

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